Brent’s Club
Brent’s Club is a sober club that is offered to middle and high school youth. The club provides incentives for participants to abstain from the use of drugs and alcohol. Members of the club voluntarily participate in a saliva drug test once a week. Participants who test positive receive private, discreet counseling. Those who stay sober are rewarded with incentives which include field trips, tutoring, and special events.
The Pillars Of Brent's Club Include

Weekly Meetings
Brent’s Club weekly meetings are held once a week, typically on Fridays, and cover a range of topics. Every meeting focuses heavily either on alcohol and drug prevention, academic success, career exploration, or a combination of these.

Community Service
Members participate in a community service project each month. Some examples include: Dinner Service at the Midnight Mission, Community Clean Up’s, Letter Writing Campaign for U.S. Service Men and Women, Petition Signing to help the City of Los Angeles with implementing policy that will limit alcohol outlets, and more.

Social Skills & Counseling Groups
Members are given the opportunity to participate in social skills groups where they learn skills that are important in forming friendships.